Autumn has arrived
Conditions Fish Caught in the Past Week Fish Caught this Season so far River Height:
Water Temp:
Light westerlySalmon:
Sea Trout:
Sea Trout:48
This past week was a difficult one for our rods as the week starting off with a big dirty flood peaking at 6ft 4ins then settling back for a couple of days before another higher flood on Thursday peaking at 7ft 4ins. On the days it had settled back it had cleared off reasonably quick and conditions were quite nice and there were fish about but they weren't very keen therefore we had to settle with 3 older sea trout to 3lb for the week. Water temperatures varied between 53f/50 Fahrenheit.
This coming week looks to a mix with wet and windy for the first half of the week and slightly more settled the second half and Wednesday being the wettest. Winds coming from a west to south west direction. The change in weather has also prompted the trees to start to show their autumn colours.
Cheers Brian