Latest Bankside News from Cairnton
  • A nice finish to March
    Conditions Fish Caught in the Past Week Fish Caught this Season so far
    River Height:
    Water Temp:
    2' 6"
    Very light westerly
    Sea Trout:

    Sea Trout:


    The last week of March was as we would expect for this time of year with pretty awful overhead conditions including sleet, rain and winds from the east but faired up a bit to be more spring like on Friday/Saturday with the wind swinging round to the west bringing some sunshine and warmth. Water heights were pretty good running at around 2' most of the week but rising a few feet on Thursday night but dropping away quickly for the last two days. Water temperatures were around 38f/41f. There were a couple of very short lived encounters for the Middle Blackhall rods over the week and that was really all we had to report until Saturday. Conditions were looking really good and regular visitor to Cairnton and the Dee, Dan Jeanes landed a lovely liced 8lber in the Grey Mare on a Black & Yellow tube. Not Dan's first fish but his first from Cairnton. 

    Cheers Brian

    A nice finish to March
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