Latest Bankside News from Cairnton
  • A bit unsettled
    Conditions Fish Caught in the Past Week Fish Caught this Season so far
    River Height:
    Water Temp:
    Strong westerly
    Sea Trout:

    Sea Trout:


    A week of fairly unsettled weather with plenty of the wet stuff and a fairly persistent easterly breeze/wind, Saturday being the only day the wind swung around to the south and was fairly troublesome. We had a couple of water rises through the week on Tuesday and Saturday which went up a couple of feet on both occasions. Water temperatures were around 40f/42f.

    The fishing was much better this week with 3 being landed, a lovely 15lber on Monday from the Plank pool on a large single Editor and on Wednesday,  Ross Macdonald did it again with a brace of 9lbers, one from the Middle Ferroch and the other from Lower Ferroch , both on JJ's.

    We had the return of Roald Meyers party from Norway for the end of the week. A Great team that all know their fishing. They did connect with a few but were unlucky not to land any but they had an enjoyable time again. 

    Remember to contact Sarah directly to book fishing with us.

    Cheers Brian

    A bit unsettled
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