Latest Bankside News from Cairnton
  • Spring on the way
    Conditions Fish Caught in the Past Week Fish Caught this Season so far
    River Height:
    Water Temp:
    2' 10"
    Light westerly
    Sea Trout:

    Sea Trout:


    This week we had every conceivable form of fishing conditions apart from snow. The first three days were pretty wet with an easterly wind then on Thursday/Friday we got a bit of a shock to the system with warm sunshine and a westerly breeze,  Saturday was extremely difficult with almost gale force westerly's and a mix of sun & heavy downpours. Water temperatures were in the low 40's Fahrenheit at the start of the week and were in the high 40's by the weekend. Levels were up and down quite a bit but Mark Elder landed our only fish of the week on Tuesday on a rapidly rising water in the Malt Steep,  a liced 9lb er on a Black & Yellow tube. It was Marks first Scottish Dee fish as he is a very successful Welsh Dee angler. We did have a couple of fish on for a short time also. Tuesday saw our first Sandpipers of the year returning and a small flock of Sand Martins. Spring is on the way.

    We have rods available on Cairton in April, May & June at £126 per rod inc vat so please contact Sarah to enquire and book.

    Cheers Brian

    Spring on the way
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