Latest Bankside News from Cairnton
  • Spring is on hold
    Conditions Fish Caught in the Past Week Fish Caught this Season so far
    River Height:
    Water Temp:
    1' 8"
    Light northerly
    Sea Trout:

    Sea Trout:


    The previous week it looked as though spring may be on the way but this week was like a return to March rather than mid April. The heavy showers and strong winds from the north and west weren't a problem, it was the very low air temperatures which made it a bit more challenging.  Water heights were running from 1' 11" to just over 3' and water temperatures 41f/44f.  The first half of the week was busier with 2 fish landed and a few offers aswell with the 2nd half a bit quieter.

    Stefan Johansson, part of Pontus Gunlycke's fishing party from Sweden managed to land a lovely 8lb er in the Malt Steep on Tuesday on a Black & Orange tube and on Wednesday,  Colin Craik managed his first of the season, a lovely liced 9lb er in the Malt Steep on a Garry Dog variant.  Colins success came mending the line down stream to speed it up. Well done Colin.

    Cheers Brian

    Spring is on hold
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